Xinzhi Qiu

Xinzhi Qiu's picture

Xinzhi Qiu is an undergraduate in the Class of 2027 majoring in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCDB) and Economics. His interest lies in biotechnology and its related regulation and policy.

His studies in MCDB enables him to develop a scientific understanding to science in the hottest biotechnology innovations around. He enjoys working in the lab, where he currently works on improving edema drug screening using nanovesicles. He is particularly interested in the ethics and legality of gene editing, as well as the distortionary economic effects of potential new drugs such as anti-aging medications, of which the European Union is a global regulatory leader of.

Outside of the classroom, he is in Simplex Sciences, a Yale-based undergraduate startup working on ssDNA ladders, and a board member for the Yale Undergraduate Science Olympiad, where he organizes and runs the Yale Invitational for high student students across the Northeast.

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology and Economics / Morse College
Fields of Interest: 
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, European Union Innovation Policy