Buket Base Demirci

Buket Base Demirci's picture
ETH Zurich, D-GESS, European Politics Group

I am a PhD candidate in the EUROBORD project at ETH Zurich. The project investigates the reconfiguration of functional boundaries (i.e. economic, cultural, political, coercive borders) among EU member states as well as between EU members and their non-EU neighbours. My individual research is on the legal and sociopolitical status of migrants in EU countries. Thus, I study the formal rights and responsibilities as well as the perceived social status of migrants in the EU over time. I specifically focus on potential differences in the experiences of EU and non-EU migrants. I am also interested in electoral politics and political economic issues, as these factors are co-dependent with social issues.

Fields of Interest: 
Social equality, discrimination, and identity (mostly focusing on migrants in Europe)