Alex Bavalsky

Alex Bavalsky's picture
Ethics, Politics, and Economics / Timothy Dwight College

Alex is a sophomore in Timothy Dwight College majoring in Ethics, Politics, & Economics. His academic interest in European political and economic affairs began with a 2020 presentation on “Brexit and the Challenge of National Sovereignty within Hybrid IGOs,” in which he argued that Brexit represented a broader trend of resistance against global governance, comparing it to the French National Rally and Italian Five Star Movement. At Yale, he continued to study European economic cooperation via a project on OECD tax policy analysis and tax havens, including Monaco. He has also studied Russia’s international relations by examining the bargaining model of war with respect to the 2008 Russo-Georgian War and its implications on the ongoing war in Ukraine.

An avid reader, Alex has also studied European literature, including Frankenstein, Candide, Hedda Gabler, and The Stranger. In his free time, you can find him competing for the Yale Debate Association, volunteering for the New Haven Urban Debate League, working with the YCC business team, and participating in TD intramurals (go Red Lions).

Fields of Interest: 
European international organizations, free trade and monetary unions, Russian geopolitics