Early Modern Empires Workshop

Event time: 
Monday, October 23, 2017 - 11:30am
Henry R. Luce Hall (LUCE ), 203 See map
34 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

Edna Bonhomme Postdoctoral Fellow in History at Princeton University and at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, will present her paper “Contagion, Occupation, and Plague: Sanitary Imperialism during the French Military Campaign in Egypt and Greater Syria, 1798-1801”

The Early Modern Empires Workshop is dedicated to examining empires from a variety of perspectives, including but not limited to political philosophy, state formation, sociocultural and economic exchange, resistance, materiality, mobility, law, and cultures of knowledge across a multiplicity of geographies.