Kirin Mueller

Kirin Mueller's picture
Cognitive Science; History of Science and Medicine / Jonathan Edwards College

Kirin DasGupta Mueller is a junior from Palisades, New York, with majors in Cognitive Science and the History of Science and Medicine, as well as a minor in German. His academic interests in European Studies lie in politics and postcolonial dynamics in Europe and South Asia, public health, and German, French, and Spanish languages and literatures. To this end, he has studied at the Eberhard-Karls-University in Tübingen, Germany, tutors Bengali and German at the Yale Center for Language Study, and will work in advancing socioeconomic development at the United Nations this summer. He also has a deep passion for science and medicine at the intersections of language, cognition, and cancer. As a research intern at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and a researcher in Yale’s Language and Brain Lab, he has multiple forthcoming publications and presentations. In his free time, he enjoys editing and writing for Accent Multilingual Magazine, swimming with Yale Club Swim, and playing the sitar.

Fields of Interest: 
Postcolonial History and Politics; Public Health; German, French, and Spanish Languages/Literatures; Language and Cognition