Douglas Rogers

Douglas Rogers's picture
Professor of Anthropology

Douglas Rogers is a sociocultural anthropologist with research and teaching interests in political and economic anthropology; natural resources (especially oil) and energy; the anthropology of religion and ethics; cultural production; historical anthropology; and socialist societies and their postsocialist trajectories. He has done archival and ethnographic research in Russia since 1994, often in collaboration with scholars from Moscow State University, Perm State University, and the Perm Regional Museums. See his website for more information. 

Selected Publications:

2015. Oil and AnthropologyAnnual Review of Anthropology 44:365-80. 

2015. The Depths of Russia: Oil, Power, and Culture after Socialism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

2014 Petrobarter: Oil, Inequality, and the Political Imagination in and after the Cold War. [With commentaries by Alex Golub, Jane Guyer, Engseng Ho, Bill Maurer, Stephanie Rupp, Naomi Schiller, and Michael Watts.] Current Anthropology 55(2014):131-153.

2012 The Materiality of the Corporation: Oil, Gas, and Corporate Social Technologies in the Remaking of a Russian Region. American Ethnologist 39(2): 284-296.

2010 Postsocialisms Unbound: Connections, Critiques, Comparisons. Slavic Review 69(1): 1-15.

2009 The Old Faith and the Russian Land: A Historical Ethnography of Ethics in the Urals. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

FASATH Anthropology
Fields of Interest: 
Political and economic anthropology; natural resources (especially oil) and energy; the anthropology of religion and ethics; cultural production; historical anthropology; and socialist societies and their postsocialist trajectories
Geography Focus: 
Central Asia
Eastern Europe
Thematic Focus: 
Period Focus: 